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Moby's advisory on asset security and wallet protection measures
asset security

Moby Issues Urgent Advisory on Asset Security: Key Approvals to Revoke

Moby advises users to revoke approvals to specific addresses amid security concerns. The precautionary steps follow a suspected private key leak that resulted in the extraction of $2.5 million in a...

crypto safetyUser loses EIGEN tokens in phishing scam involving $155,256

User Loses $155,256 in EIGEN Tokens to Phishing Scam

A recent report by Scam Sniffer reveals that a user lost EIGEN tokens worth $155,256 after falling victim to a phishing scam involving an 'increase allowance' transaction. Read more to understand h...

1inch1inch Labs security measures and breach response

1inch Addresses Security Breach and Enhances Safety Measures

1inch revealed a security breach on December 9 where attackers accessed the private key of a smart contract. Swift action was taken to revoke the compromised access, and security measures have been...

crypto robberiesAn infographic illustrating the rise of crypto robberies in Western Europe.

Zunehmende Krypto-Überfälle in Westeuropa: Ein Grund zur Besorgnis

Jüngste Berichte von ZachXBT zeigen einen besorgniserregenden Anstieg von physischen Krypto-Überfällen in Westeuropa, bei denen die Opfer häufig bedroht und gezwungen werden, digitale Vermögenswert...

address copy errorUser lost 11 ETH due to an incorrect address copy from transaction history.

Benutzer verliert 11 ETH aufgrund eines Kopierfehlers der Adresse

Ein kürzlich von Foresight News gemeldeter Vorfall verdeutlicht, wie ein Benutzer 11 ETH (im Wert von 26.280 USD) verlor, weil er eine falsche Adresse aus einem kontaminierten Transaktionsverlauf k...