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Uniswap logo with a graphic of cybersecurity measures and rewards.

Uniswap Labs Introduces $15.5 Million Bug Bounty Program for V4

Uniswap Labs has launched a $15.5 million bug bounty program for its v4 version, encouraging responsible vulnerability disclosure. Reports must be submitted within 24 hours to the v4 Bug Bounty pag...

BlockchainUniswap Labs Bug Bounty Program Announcement

Uniswap Labs Unveils $15.5 Million Bug Bounty Program for V4

Uniswap Labs launches a $15.5 million bug bounty program for v4, promoting responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities. Reports must be submitted to the v4 Bug Bounty page on Cantina within 24 hours ...

blockchainWeb3 security researcher earning bounty for blockchain vulnerability

Web3 Researcher Earns $150K for Identifying Bug in Evmos Blockchain

A Web3 security researcher, jayjonah.eth, has been awarded a $150,000 bounty for discovering a critical vulnerability in the Evmos blockchain. This bug could have halted the network and its DApps. ...